David Said In His Heart

I have friends who find it easy to have faith in one area and very difficult to believe and trust God in another. You might think that what they have experienced much of would make them strong to trust for that thing, but negative experiences and especially habitual negative thoughts or even demonic attacks on their thought life makes that and even sometimes things that seem far "easier" in some ways, a real struggle for them time and again. This little reveal about David, the man after God's own heart,at the bottom of page 395 in my Revival Study Bible, shows that none of us are immune from thoughts or stresses that take an otherwise trusting heart, totally given to God, and tempt it to think and speak things that are not consistent with other areas of our faith and trust in the Lord. We all know David was not perfect. We also know that the Lord kept His promises to him every time. I need to continually remind myself of what the Lord has done, both for me and others that I know and know of. I have to check my fears at the door of my prayer closet and remember all the WONDERS that He has done, can still do and fervently WANTS to do in and through us.

1 Sam 27:1

David said in his heart, “Now I shall perish someday by the hand of Saul” 

The thought in David’s heart was false. He had no grounds for thinking that his anointing would be an empty and meaningless act. On no occasion had the Lord deserted him; he had been placed in perilous positions very often, and each time the Lord delivered him. David could not put his finger on his fear and unbelief. Is this not the same way that we doubt God’s help? Is it not mistrust without a cause? Have we ever had the shadow of a reason to doubt our Father’s goodness? Has He once failed to justify our trust? We have gone through many trials, but never to our detriment. He, who has been with us in six troubles, will not forsake us in the seventh. What we have known of our faithful God proves that He will keep us to the end. Let us not then reason contrary to evidence. 
Lord, throw down the Jezebel of our unbelief, and let the dogs devour it. (Charles Spurgeon)